
Uses the Component:ManualOptionsType

Manual Options.

Fields and Components

Table 6.60. Fields and Components

Name Description Occurrence Type Data Type User Notes

An indictor to capture if the incentive inquiry webservice was down when the deal was completed from Deal Finalization Portal.

0..1Field udt:IndicatorType  

The difference in amount between the ‘Total cash rebates available’ Vs the ‘total cash rebates applied’ to the deal.

0..1Field udt:AmountType  

An element that indicates if the cash rebates applied to deal was more than the actual cash rebates available. UNDERPAY means cash rebates applied to deal was less than the actual cash rebates available.

0..1Field udt:TextType  

Total cash incentives applied to the Deal.

0..1Field udt:AmountType  

Sample XML

The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.

Example 6.60. ManualOptions

     <ServiceDownFlag>......</ServiceDownFlag>     [0..1]
     <TotalRebateDifferenceAmount>......</TotalRebateDifferenceAmount>     [0..1]
     <PaymentDifferenceIndicator>......</PaymentDifferenceIndicator>     [0..1]
     <TotalCashIncentiveAmount>......</TotalCashIncentiveAmount>     [0..1]