Please note that the DTS has been retired. The information is still available but no longer modified or supported by STAR.
STAR has created a set of flat file business process data transfer specifications for use in the automotive retail industry. STAR refers to these flat file data transfer specifications as DTS. These specifications may also fit the needs for other automotive related industries such as Power Sports, Heavy Duty Truck, and Marine. The specifications are continually evolving to the meet our members changing needs.
STAR currently has over 19 flat file data specifications covering process from Parts Management, Vehicle Inventory Management, Vehicle Service, CRM, etc. The current DTS can be found in the DTS page.
The N-1 version of the DTS can be found in the N-1 DTS page. STAR only supports the most current release, and the prior year release of the DTS.
Specification | Description | ||
General Acknowledgments | This transaction was designed to transmit information from the receiver of a transaction to the sender. It could acknowledge receipt of the transaction or provide feedback on errors in the received transaction. | ||
Standard Codes | The scope of this DTS is to transmit Standard Codes information to/from the dealership. Standard Codes is the task of sending the Standards Codes information electronically between Dealer and OEM systems. | ||
Specification | Description | ||
Service Appointment | The scope of this DTS is to define the Service Appointment for individual consumers
who schedule service appointments with their local dealership via the Internet. |
Specification | Description | ||
Financial Statement | The scope of this DTS is to transmit dealer Financial Statement information. This may include Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, and any other Financial Statement related information. | ||
Specification | Description | ||
Parts Activity | The purpose of the Parts Activity interface is to track the movement of a given part number in and out of a virtual "parts bin". This would enable the user to know whether a part was issued to a Customer RO, Warranty RO, Wholesale Invoice, Counter Ticket, etc. This would allow for better tuning of Auto Stock Replenishment and Parts Logistics algorithms. | ||
Parts Dispo | The Parts Dispo file provides formulas for automatic part replenishment
based on the assortment classification and forecast values. When the dealer creates a new recommended stocking order, the new parameters are used to determine the correct stocking levels. This way the dealer is using the OEM recommended stocking levels for parts. |
Parts Inventory | The scope of this DTS is to define the Parts Inventory process of transmitting the dealer's extracted parts inventory file (full, incremental, etc.) to the OEM. NOTE: Although this is the traditional use of the Parts Inventory BOD, this BOD could be used to send Parts Inventory information between any two business parties. | ||
Parts Invoice/Shipment | The purpose of the Parts Invoice/Shipment DTS is to transmit (in electronic form) a Parts Invoice and Shipment information from an OEM’s order management system to a Dealer's order management system. The Parts Invoice/Shipment contains information associated with Parts Orders received by a dealer from a Manufacturer. | ||
Parts Master | The scope of the Parts Master DTS is to transmit
Parts Order | The purpose of the Parts Order DTS is to transmit a parts order to a supplier’s order management application. The PARTS ORDER is the task of sending the electronic form of a parts order document to a supplier. | ||
Parts Pick List | Parts Pick List is the task of picking parts electronically from a Dealer’s electronic parts catalog (EPC) and transmitting it to the dealer management system (DMS). | ||
Parts Return | The scope of this DTS is to define the Parts Return process for individual dealers sending Parts Returns to their OEM. Parts Return is the task of submitting part return information electronically between Dealer and OEM systems. | ||
Wholesale Parts Compensation | Used to report, to the manufacturer, wholesale parts sales made by the dealer. This may be transmitted weekly, daily or up to many times per day. | ||
Specification | Description | ||
Delivery Reporting | The scope of this DTS is to report the "sale" of a vehicle at the dealership. Retail Delivery Reporting is the task of sending the Retail Delivery Reporting information electronically between Dealer and OEM systems. | ||
Vehicle Invoice/Inventory | Transmits vehicle information to the dealership reflecting the manufacturer's understanding of current dealer sales and/or inventory. Invoices are typically transmitted at the time of manufacturer processing of Delivery Reporting transactions. Inventory reports may be transmitted at dealer request, and/or at times of other relevant reporting. | ||
Specification | Description | ||
Labor Operations | Provides dealers with the ability to query labor operation code by VIN prefix to identify service operations. The application and the LOP code information supporting this transaction are housed on an OEM Web server eliminating the need for tapes and batch file transfers. | ||
Repair Order | The scope of this DTS is to define the Repair Order process for individual consumers who service their automobiles through their OEM’s authorized Dealers. The focus is on Dealer and OEM interactions, not third party repair organizations. | ||
Warranty Payments | The scope of this DTS is to allow for claim payment acknowledgment and claim denial data to be electronically retrieved from the Manufacturer. | ||