STAR Short Manufacturer & Vendor Codes
STAR provides a list of STAR-assigned codes to Manufacturers & Vendor transmitting STAR DTS and XML standards. The purpose of the STAR-assigned code is to offer an additional level of identification for those transmitting and receiving STAR standards. Please note that these are not globally unique identifiers, and are only considered unique within the STAR organization.
Download The Manufacturer and DSP Code List
To request a Short Code:
1. Complete a Short Code Request
2. Submit to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Answer: The list is published approximately every two weeks if there have been additions made to the list. The list indicates the date of the last request approved.
Answer: No, your company does not have to be a STAR Member to request a Short Code.
Answer: In your request, you may suggest a code. If that code is available, it will be assigned to you. If that code has already been assigned to another company, STAR will assign you a different code.
Answer: Yes, STAR is currently assigning 2-digit alphanumeric codes.
Answer: Yes, there are fields in the STAR XML standards that require the use of the STAR Short Code.